Has anyone experienced problems running View To Model on area filled/hatched artwork? We are experiencing issues on NX7.5 NX8.5 and NX9 where the fill either disappears randomly or randomly fills in the object completely after View To Model is ran. This is a process we run routinely in NX5 with...
Has anyone experienced problems running View To Model on area filled/hatched artwork? We are experiencing issues on NX7.5 NX8.5 and NX9 where the fill either disappears randomly or randomly fills in the object completely after View To Model is ran. This is a process we run routinely in NX5 with...
I have created a journal to export geo files for our sheet metal parts, but I need to make it generic so I can run it on different parts. I’ve been looking thru here the past couple of days trying to find specifics on how to accomplish this with no success, several threads come close but I am...