I have been using nx8 for a few years, I just got a new computer and am now using nx12
control-B hides features and control-shift-u unhides them.
why in nx12 when I use control-shift-u it unhides and also un-trims any lines the I have previously trimmed?
I have a new project that I am working on. It is a very large weldment approx. 100" x 75" x 40" tall.
it is flat on the bottom an curved on the top (almost like a upside down canoe).
I have to make panels and then bend them to the various contours of my part.
We have customer supplied models...
lets say I have a simple pocket .250 deep and I want to blend a .375 rad around the inside,
I know it can happen but how do I do it?
I get a alarm rad it to big, use smaller rad.
I have been away from ug for a couple of years, I am having a brain fart.
I Don't do much drafting but I have a question. When dimensioning and settings are set to a 3 place decimal (1.000) if the actual number is 1.0005 shouldn't
the output be 1.001? is this a setting to force round up? I get 1.000.
has anyone ever tried to peck backwards?
i would like to use a g83 with codes as follows
G83 X0 Y0 Z-2. R-3. F2. Q.1
it is going to be for a back spotface operation
where the r plane is deeper than the final z depth which would make the machine peck backwards instead of downwards.
I have a cnc jig mill that requires manual tool changes. I would like to have a tool retract to its home postion turn of spindle, coolant ect. the same as getting ready
for a tool change but use the same tool right away and have it pick up same h comps, ect. the reason being a air index table...
what happened to the feature of setting WCS to a saved WCS. You used to be able to select (from pulldown menu) FORMAT, WCS, ORIENT, then pic SELECTED CYS, and pick a saved WCS and your WCS would go there, now it says the selected constraint is not valid or supported?
Is anyone using the new excel based shop docs in NX8? Just wondering, great idea but
not to easy to cusomize to my shops needs. Worked on it quite a bit but giving up for now.
Is there a way to use or import curves to define tools in the user defined feature.
Say for example a special form tool that was drawn then revoled to show its 3d shape.
The boxes that need to be defined in the user defined window are basicly the same thing.
I use other software that i can...
(using nx8) when posting from inside UG does anyone know if i can change the path of the
editor that pops up with the basic nx install?
I would like to use a different editor.
i want to turn off the associtive switch under- trim curve- settings
so when i start a new session it stays off. i can toggle it off per session but would rather it stay off for good.