Dear All,
Does anyone have an idea how to simulate this type of connector, in Nastran, between two points similar to abaqus? Here is the link to the definition.
Dear All,
I am trying to develop a new SN curve within Ncode Designlife using the material manager. Using the fatigue theory guide I generate all the parameters for aluminum uisng the equations given and the UTS of the material. I chart this in excel and everything looks good. The B1 value...
I am running a fatigue analysis in n-code and was trying to find out a way to run the analysis using time steps and eliminate the pre-load after the first cycle.
I run the time sequence in nastran for one fully reversed cycle including the pre-load. I post process in n-code and get good...
New to fatigue analysis and have a few fundamental questions of anyone would care to comment. Based on what I think I know is that a (S-N) stress based approach is best for high cycle fatigue and a (E-N) strain based approach for low cycle fatigue. The cut off generally being around 100K...
New to fatigue analysis and have a few fundamental questions of anyone would care to comment. Based on what I think I know is that a (S-N) stress based approach is best for high cycle fatigue and a (E-N) strain based approach for low cycle fatigue. The cut off generally being around 100K...
Dear All,
I am trying to perform an analysis on an aluminum part using a time varying load. Ultimately I will use these stresses for input into a fatigue analysis. As a test I run a static analysis (sol 101) at 8KN and the stresses are very low around 75 MPA. However, as mentioned I need...
I am setting up a durability analysis within the advanced simulations module based on a linear static analysis of several events. It is on an aluminum cast part for suspension.
I set up a durability solution with one static event and add three excitations based on three sub-cases...
I am trying to simulate a linear static analysis on a 4 bar linkage. I am using cbar2 to connect and releasing the proper DOF for rotation. Under lower loads (smaller rotation) everything seems to work okay. When I get to a higher load (larger rotation) the model solves but I am seen...
Dear All,
Can someone please explain to me in more detail the FRICMOD option in NX Nastran Sol 601. It appears that FRICMOD=4 requires three parameters A1,A2,A3. I believe that A1=Static and A2-Dyanmic but am not sure what A3=?? I believe that it may be speed but the documentation is very...
Dear All,
I am running a fairly simple non -linear material analysis of a plastic clip in UGNX sol 601. The stress strain curve has a slight negative slope in the plastic region and I have noticed that the solver seems to stop at the peak of the curve just before it starts down in the...
Dear All,
I am new to vibration analysis and could use some direction in UGNX 8.5. My customer supplied me with a PSD input table which plots frequency (Hz) vs PSD (g)2 or (m/s2)^2. There are about 15 entries and I am not sure what solution to use and how to input this into the model. The...
Dear All,
Can someone please explain to me in more detail the FRICMOD option in NX Nastran. I have been using various options with no success. Of course the model runs great with a constant static friction Fricmod=1 and fpara1=.2.
I want to introduce a static and dynamic friction so I...
Dear All,
I am running an orthotropic analysis using solid elements. The material vendor supplied all the elastic constants (ExEyEzGxGyGzNxNyNz). They also supplied (C11,C22,C33,C44,C55,C12,C13)which I believe is derived from classical equations. I have successfully ran both linear and non...
Dear All,
I am running a 2D Axis Symmetry Problem, with contact, and everything is running good. However, I need to use a spring and there is no 1D elements available? Are you kidding me! Can anyone shed some light on this why and also what would be a good work around fix.
Hello All,
I am trying to simulate the compression of a square seal (EPDM) in a groove of an iron casting. I set the model up using sol 601 and used Mooney Rivlin material properties for the seal. In the mesh model I am trying to use the contact mesh (PGAP) which seems to match up fairly well...
Dear All,
I am having a gard time getting contact with 601,106 non linear. It is basically a shaft that rotates with an ear that hits inside of a machined pocket on a casting. I can get the linear contact to solve with no problem. However, the non linear is not wokring correctly. When the...
Dear All,
I am having issues with NX natran non linear contact (SOL 601). It is a simple model of a plate pushing down on a rubber ring. Everything is meshed with hex's with at least three elements thru the htickness. I am using hyperelastic material properties and surface to suface contact...
Dear All,
I have two quick question on enforced displacement for non linear contact analysis SOl 600 (MD) or SOL 601 (NX).
1. is it okay to add enforced displacement on a contact surface.
2. If I only want to go in the x-direction (3)mm is it still common practice to add zero's on the other...
Dear All,
I know this topic has been covered many times but wanted to just get some more clarification on some details. I had testing done on A356 test coupons and received back the stress vs. strain curve. I assume this is the engineering stress-strain curve and converted it to true...
Dear All,
I know this topic has been covered many times but wanted to just get some more clarification on some details. I had testing done on A356 test coupons and received back the stress vs. strain curve. I assume this is the engineering stress-strain curve and converted it to true...