A similar thread was posted last week but this identifies the issue more clearly.
Reliance Controls makes manual residential generator transfer switches and sells them by the thousands.
On a 6 circuit 30a transfer switch and panel, Instructions tell the installer to route 6) 120v hot wires...
Adding a 6 circuit 30a transfer switch, connecting to main panelboard.
Requires a 12g thhn out to the transfer switch and back to main panel for each circuit.
Plan to run those 12 conductors in one conduit.
Plan to run 10g neutral and ground in a separate cable from main panel to transfer...
Our utility in Va, Dominion Power is locating 3 standard 12.5 or 7.5kv transforners in a residential area, that floods frequently to a depth up to 10' (really) , on a street near my home.
Neighbors are alarmed and want to know that if the transformer shorts, how much voltage might be present...
I've got 4 wires on a fan motor, red, black yellow and brown.
It is a 230 v motor.
I'm fairly sure the red and black ar the power wires.
The nameplate diagram is not legible.
Any idea where the yellow and brown wires go?