Maybe some of you SW gurus can help me out. Many times as I go through the stages of design and development of new parts, I will create configurations for experimental or investigative reasons. Those configurations may or may not be required in the final design. On several occasions I have...
I think we've all seen situations where we need to include a reference dimension to some known surface or feature that happens not to be within the scope of the view we're delaing with. For example, you want to indicate the height of some object off the floor.
You would add the dimension, and...
I have a simple assembly of 12 different parts. There are two configurations of this assembly. The only difference between the two configurations is the presence or absence of a few parts. Is it possible to set up a BOM with two quantity columns in which the absence of certain parts is...
Can any of you recommend a fairly simple and easy-to-use project management software? In particular, this software will be used to help plan and track the progress of a $2 million industrial project that will involve numerous trades, suppliers, contractors, utilities, etc. as they climb all...
I've been making weldment drawings in SW for 10 years. One painful, hard-learned lesson is that the configuration of the cut list and the configuration of any view with balloons must be the same for the balloon numbering to be correct. OK, got it. Now I'm working on a weldment that seems to...
Question for SW gurus: In a drawing of an assembly, is there any way to make selected components "transparent" (shown as outline only) so that objects behind the component are shown? I know I can turn on hidden lines in the view but that would be overkill and just confuse everyone. Example, I...
A question for the SW gurus on here: I'm detailing a weldment with several formed sheet metal components. I have individual configurations for the flat patterns of each of those parts. In the drawing, I'm creating relative views of those bodies just like in regular weldments and specifying the...
SW automatically places a double arrow on foreshortened dimensions. SW also offers a list of arrowhead style options if one right-clicks on an existing dimension arrow. But the double-arrow is not among those options. Is there any way to manually edit an existing dimension to show a double...
A question for all you SW experts regarding color settings. In part sketches we like to have driving dimensions to be black and driven dimensions to be gray. But in drawings we want both types to be solid black. Unfortunately SW does not offer different color settings for dimensions in...
Running SW2013. I have one sub-assembly that appears in two different configurations, one of each, known as INBOARD and OUTBOARD, on a larger machine. The current documentation the maint. techs are used to working with was done in AutoCAD and has no BOM "intelligence" to it like SW does. The...
I would like to run something by the gurus on here. We have some very large assemblies of our internal equipment that we have to deal with on a regular basis. After suffering through a few years of slow opening, slow saving, crashing, slow re-building, and unexpected sudden errors of almost...