I am currently working on a bit of automation and need to get some tabular data for thread information.
If any one has has excel files or CSVs with thread information I would really appreciate it if you shared.
nx 9, TC 10
Any one else having problems with nx 10 opening older wire harness files?
NX will attempt to open the assembly and then stop loading. Display the error and then unload all the parts it loaded.
nx 9, TC 10
I am on NX 9 and would like to make a drop down in a PTS dialog be populated by a column from an excel spread sheet.
It looks like this may be possible but I cant seem to figure out how to do it.
Any help would be appreciated.
nx 9, TC 10
I have been playing around with the standard parts library that comes with NX and was intrigued by how when I dragged a screw in to my model it could create the hole for that screw in the part it was constrained against.
This got me thinking. I have many parts in the the library that...
I am trying to use the following found here to set layers on datums however I cant get it to change the layer on the actual datum csys.
Any ideas about how this might be done or a change that could be made?.
nx 9, TC 10
I have a part family that has a feature that is suppressed in some members.
The part family is also detailed in pmi.
I would like to suppress the PMI that details the feature if the feature is suppressed.
Is there currently a method for doing this?
I am trying to do automatic assignment of part attributes but need them to be applied at the level above the part.
Normally I do this by right clicking on the object that I want to set the attribute to and then selecting properties. Then I go to the attributes tab and make sure that the context...
I am looking for a solution to a problem I have been facing.
We have a some complex rules for what is supposed to be on specific reference sets. We already have a layering convention that captures the same type of information so I would like to take that and use it to make and populate...
I preferred the way of doing constraints as they were in version 7.5 an v 8 where I could click on the line or objects I wanted to constrain and then select the type of constraint I wanted to apply between them. Is here a way to get this functionality back in 8.5?
I am using a team center environment and I need to see a part attribute in the list of ways to filter a part family and select it members inside the replace component dialog. Now this works great for attributes that are defined by the part family but how to i bring in attributes stored...
I specifically want to save what i have entered in to all the fields in a feature dialog.
I have several expressions that i want to use in the sheet metal closed corner command and want to make a button that brings up that command with certain fields already filled in with my expressions.
I need to make items not show up on my build of materials in teamcenter but when I put a component on to reference only it not only takes it off of the bon but makes the viewer not show it.
Is there a solution to this issue?
In the drafting mode there is a command called “feature parameter” that allows me to call out the information for a threaded hole including the depth, size and thread.
I need to know that the equivalent command to do this in pmi is.
I have several model views created of my assembly (some using explosions and explosion trace lines) and I am trying to view them in TC. The first issue that I am having is that parts that are hidden in the view are not hidden when viewed in team center.
The second issue that I am having...