Can anyone please explain to me how and why in 2013 PATRAN does not have an undo button like virtually any other program for any other purpose one could think of. Yes I realise that it does in fact have an undo button but this can only undo the most recent action and not any before that, I mean...
Hi all,
On a project I'm working on I've been instructed that our first approach to determining the MoS values on the fasteners in a design wasn't correct and told to use the ECSS document on threaded fasteners (ECSS-E-HB-32-23A). I'm trying to implement the method in a spreadsheet now but...
Hi all,
I have the task of designing the casing of some electronics which are going to be exposed to a launch environment and so have to ensure that the casing can withstand the loads due to random and sinusoidal vibration as well as shock loading. I am a bit unclear as to how to go about...
Hi all, this is my first post so hopefully I'm not breaking some house-rules, apologies if I am somehow,
I'm new to using DYNA and am currently working on my first project which is to model a parachute. I'm modeling the post-inflation state of the parachute so really all I want to do for the...