There was a "closed" thread where a fellow asked about Puecher charts. My take is that these are fairly difficult to use and that so far as a time investment it is better to use that time figuring a FEM software package. My recollection is that they work just like influence lines for a...
There was a post that is closed that was asking about the origin of the AASHTO load. There was not really a decent response to the it is still a mystery to me.
I've never understood how the lane load was arrived at. I remember reading the HS20 lane load was supposed to...
I would like to have a basic electronics kit for teaching and constructing projects with my kids. I took extra physics (4 semester more than required for my degree) when I was in college and had electronics while in high school (20+ years ago, yikes!), but ended up being a civil engineer...
AASHTO uses a different equation for development length than ACI. Does anyone have any insights into why this is?
Also, AASHTO LRFD code uses different units than ACI. Is there any reason why this change was made?