Hey all,
I only recently learned that the synchronous condensers I operated at one site some 40-ish years ago were previously 25 Hz/60 Hz frequency changers, and that when Ontario's frequency conversion program to 60 Hz was completed, the 25 Hz end machines were rebuilt to 60 Hz synchronous...
Hello all,
Got sent a link the other day about this; read few articles, watched a few online videos, and I'm not sure what to make of it . . .
Maybe just another flash in the pan like the Zoche aero Diesel?
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another." [Proverbs 27:17, NIV]
Hi Bill / waross,
This thread https://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=497589 occurred while you were away; any thoughts you'd care to add?
I've always found you to be a fount of knowledge about this sort of thing.
"As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another."...
Hmmm . . .
I haven't looked at the article or clicked on the link that I see pretty well every time I post here, but I'm at a loss to figure out how how three-phase power would easily be derived from the eight-pole machine in the picture associated with the link . . .
What am I missing?
Hello all,
A traction engineer I know is working up the design for a 'boiler within a boiler'; the boiler on the vintage Waterloo 14 HP Portable engine was condemned as a pressure vessel, but not mechanically, meaning it can still serve as the body for all of its attached components.
Hello all,
Reading Bill's very sobering description of the virtually complete destruction of isolated power systems by hurricanes got me wondering...
Are there already ship-based power plants that tie up in disaster-struck places to provide temporary power until such time as...
Hey all,
I agreed to help a neighbour install & commission an industrial lathe driven by a three-phase 550V motor. His wiring is excellent...but the equipment he's using to supply it is a mixture of new & used...
Rotary phase converter output has been wired to a three-phase single-throw...
...is the wee little slugs that ride on the top of the mercury meniscus in a min/max outdoor gas thermometer; the one of them that's still working gets pushed up its column by the mercury, then when the Hg recedes there's just enough attraction between it and an adjacent ferrous plate to hold it...
Hey all,
For those like me who don't quickly/readily intuit the fan/pump laws just from looking at a formula, I here include a summary as found in Steam Power Stations, copyright 1937, 1940, 1946 by the McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., pg. 403.
If any of this is incorrect, I'm sure someone will...
Originally posted in the Railroad Equipment Engineering forum...but that seems to be a low traffic location, and probably the wrong forum considering the question...maybe here is a better fit?
My interest in railroads has been revived since I started volunteering aboard the retired / legacy...
First post in railroad equipment engineering forum...
My interest in rr's has been revived since I started volunteering aboard the retired / legacy steam ship SS Keewatin [www.sskeewatin.com], formerly an asset of the Great Lakes Steamship Service of the Canadian Pacific Railway...
Hello all,
My field of labour has been predominantly in the electrical area for a number of years, but I do try to keep informed about related fields as well, hence the question. There's also a slight chance I could be speccing out a back-pressure steam turbine in the future, and if this...
Hello again all,
As per recommendation I'm re-posting this from Turbine & Engine Design.
I volunteer aboard a retired steamship; the following are pertinent threads I've started on the subject...
Hello all, this is my first post to this forum.
I volunteer aboard a retired steamship; the following are pertinent threads I've started on the subject...
Hello all,
I've been reading up on generator pitches and how it's not [generally?] a good idea to have AC generators with dissimilar pitches interconnected/paralleled at a given site since this can induce undesirable circulating currents.
Would the same concern apply to dissimilar generation...
Hello again all,
See thread238-361861 for background.
Do the mills ever gring slowly on this one...
Yesterday we held an Engineering Group meeting where the requirement for a galvanic isolator / isolating transformers was discussed; the retired electrical engineer mentioned in the above-noted...
Hello all,
On the legacy steamship where I volunteer, I'm trying to move forward with providing single-phase isolation transformers for the on-board loads.
I know I have to factor in K in a big way on the one that will be supplying the VFD for the main engine turning gear; but what I'm...
Hello all,
For the background to this post see the thread at http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=356842.
Of particular interest from that thread was the very first response where itsmoked strongly suggested I check the polarities of the lamp sockets to see which ones had live shells as...
Hello again all,
See http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=356842 for the background to this post.
Some of you will recall my gratitude at having a retired electrical engineer with relevant marine experience join the electrical team on the ship where I volunteer.
Based on take-away from...
Hello again all,
For the background to this post, please refer to: http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=356842 - Legacy Shipboard DC System Now Operating on AC.
I'm wrapping up the task of properly co-ordinating the 'hot' versus neutral fuses in all the old distribution panels.