hey Engineers!
Looking for some input on the lateral soil pressure on the box SOE system. I'm designing a box SOE. The box is about 18ft square x 25ft deep. Sheet piles are running vertically with walers all along the perimeter with vertical spacing of 6-8ft. On the sheet piles what the...
Hi there,
We all have used this connection a multiple times. It could be column anchored to the CIP rods or small poles on the drilled concrete piers. But what is the correct provision in the Building Code to inspect the anchor rod to baseplate connection? Who makes sure the nuts are tightened...
Fellow Engineers,
When we calculate block shear for staggered bolt pattern, we add "s^2/4g" (x plate thickness) to the tensile area "Ant". Does anybody know where does this equation comes from or it's basis? Why not use sqrt(s^2 + g^2) (using Pythagoras's theorem) instead? AISC 360 calls for...
Hi everyone,
Just wondering if I can get some guidance in tower connection design. I'm working on a tower reinforcement project (all steel) that may also require checking the strength of gusset plates, splices, block shear and maybe develop a new connection altogether. As far as connections...