I have a 4 basement with G+11 storey structure, in a moderate seismic zone.
I have considered the superstructure height from the ground level to determine my time period and considered only the weight of the Superstructure to calculate my base shear. The basement footprint is larger than the...
Hi All
I have to design a composite mezzanine slab in a factory setting. The max load is around 520 lb/sq.ft (approx. 3.62 psi/25kN/m^2).
I am aware that as per BS, for such heavy loads the metal deck is considered as a permanent shuttering and only the concrete slab is considered designed to...
Hi All,
Which is a handy software for design of connections for a typical PEB frame.
Any software allows me to add tapered PEB section and then design the connection?
Any suggestions plz
Hi everyone,
I am to trying to design a built-up composite I beam as per AISC 2005.
Can anyone plz share any links to sample excel calcs or online tools to validate my design.
As I am not practicing in US, my access to US codes is limited. Any help will be appreciated.
Hi All
Am a designing a 11 storey resi building. Where due to architectural requirements the thickness of the columns is 200mm , the length varies from 800mm to 2000mm.
Hence, for walls longer than 1000mm, I have defined them as Piers in Etabs. The idea is to treat them as shear wall.
Hello All..
I have a fundamental confusion...
Should I size the footing for Gross SBC or Net SBC.
Because, if I size using Gross, some of the footings are under sized by 4-5% when compared with Net SBC? (but over all design is safe.. just the sizing is impacted.._)
Is there a logic for using...
What would be the ideal damping % to be considered for a Steel structure.
Its a factory abot 60ft high frame , with the composite deck first floor at 36ft
I had designed the structure with 5% damping.
This is a typical bolted connection with heavy loads on the first floor, (25kN/m^2), and...
Hi all,
Is it a normal practice to give a toe projection in basement walls.
I have 4 level basement wall, the raft/footing for the baement wall is 750mm. When i run the safe analysis, the edge stresses are not very high.
Whatis the minimum projection of the toe in a basement wall? Is there...
Hi All...
I have a raft under a building that is 1200mm.. and also a portion of th ebuilding where the raft os 750mm thick.
How should i joing the raft with varying thickness.. shoudl i taper the 1200mm raft to 750 gradually.. or is it ok to have sudden drop from 122-750?
I have cheacked ...
HI All
Is there a way to import only the Loads& LC's from ETABS into an EXISTING SAFE model that was created using a previous run from ETABS.
I dont want to create a new SAFE model for my revised ETABS model?
Any tips plz..
Hi all.
I have a 2 identical long building 200mx48m connected by a steel bridge at the center.
Please see the attached PDF for clarity. I have couple of questions:
1.) The bridge is being designed integral to the two building, i.e. with rigid supports? Is this ok? How will the bridge behave...