For various dimensional reasons I need to create a built-up beam. I have a W16x36 --below it is a W18x40 and the loads are applied to the lower flange of the W18 beam. I have calculated the required fillet weld to handle the transverse shear as calculated from SCM eq 1-1 (pg.1-7 SCM14)...
I am a mech. engineer who often uses AISC design guides for designing frames and other steel structures. In our industry we are required by mil. spec to have a factor of safety of 5X to ultimate on the equipment we design/build. When using the ASD method what are your thoughts on coming...
I am a mechanical engineer but I frequently use the AISC codes and design guides when designing frames and structures and in particular connections. I typically will automate a calculation in mathcad or excel which is extremely time consuming. I realize there is commercial software that...
I have a braced connection with a beam connected to the web of a column (as opposed to the flange in the classical example). Do I use the column eccentricity (e_b) equal to the column_web_thickness/2 when satisfying the zero-moment UFM criteria?
If I am designing a diagonal brace for a corner connection with a beam shear connection to the column, how does the brace affect the end condition of the beam?
The brace gusset attaches the beam flange to the column flange --doesn't this fix the beam beyond simple shear and transfer...
I have been studying to take the April PE exam. I just read that they have eliminated the morning AM breadth section and instead the entire exam is specific to the chosen subject matter (whelp ... so much for all that studying). Anyone in the same boat? What is your study syllabus and...
Any recommendations for an engineering text on noise control? I currently have Engineering Noise Control by Bies and Hansen and it is extremely obtuse and more of a literature survey of all the different research publications on acoustics. Looking for something with more practice than...
Any thoughts on what would cause this crack of 1.5inch hex stock,4140, Q&T to 30-36HRC per AMS-H-6875?
Heat treat schedule is like this:
Harden 1575F 1.5hrs oil quench
Temper 1050F 3.0hrs oil cool
About 1 out of every dozen stock like this crack. My first thought is to add a normalize step...
Recently I submitted a structural analysis report to a major aerospace prime for an electronics enclosure (read 'box') we are under contract to design. The box is supported by four bolts at each corner. As part of my stress report I did a FBD showing the free-body reaction at each of the...
I need to disposition a part where the machinist goofed and gauged a small (1/8") cosmetic defect into a structural part. The part is 4140 Q&T to 35-40 HRC. I would prefer not to weld repair this defect as I am unsure of the effects of the welding on the heat-treated 4140. Although if...
I am trying to put together purchasing specifications for 6061-T6 .06thk sheet. In the MMPDS-09 it calls out 3 specifications 'AMS 4025' 'AMS4026' and 'AMS4027' under the table with material properties for 6061-T6.
What is the best way to order these materials? By the 6061-T6...
I'm using SW simulation as analysis software for a piece aerospace hardware that will have a lot of oversight on our analysis.
What is the best practice for modeling fasteners in an assembly with up to 20 bolts? I am not interested in resolving bolt forces/stresses (these will be...
I am not a reliability engineer however am tasked with determining expected lifetime for a simple circuitboard in a manned space application. The supplied specs suggest but do not require HDBK-217. I have read a little about the handbook methods and it seems they are not robust or...
As I was about to rewrite the basic Darcy/bernoulli pressure drop spreadsheet my company uses, I realized I am reinventing the wheel. There has to be some good (maybe free??) basic pressure drop software. Even better would be more advanced software that has ability to input pump curves...
I hate rust, hate it. Unfortunately my coating knowledge is weak.
Commonly I design large steel machine weldments that have external machined features (pads or bores) that are either 1) critically toleranced 2) have high wear surfaces. Commonly in the past our company has painted the...
I am working to design a shaft (non rotating) that supports a large overhung load. Attached is a schematic of the problem.
The basic idea is there is a circular shaft of diameter 'd' inside a bearing support of internal diameter 'D'. The shaft is supported a distance of 'A' and...