I see IEEE papers of people looking into inject high frequency currents into transmission lines for deicing via the skin effect. Has anyone run across a utility that does this to deice their lines? Is it effective? Does anyone know of a vendor?
I know that the maximum fault current flows in a line can be during a contingency due to mutual inductance. That is for a line but can the maximum fault current seen at a bus ever be during a contingency or does it always decrease from the base case with any contingency?
I am wondering if anyone has daisy-chained a bunch of relays together using mirrored bits to carry out zone blocking to reduce bus arc flash levels? Sending a bit from one relay to the next until it is sent up to the relay bus relay. I am wondering if it is faster while also providing the added...
I have been looking at the standarded PRC-23, which is in place to prevent loading and operator actions from tripping a relay. I have a long 345 kV line that has enough line impedance to limit the fault current far below out neighbor we are interconnect to short term thermal rating of the line...