Hey All,
I have two parts one 440A and the other A2 that slide against each other in a unit. Direct contact, no lubrication. Surface area is .02 in^2 and the load is 2-4 lbs. One of the units came back badly worn at the interface with both parts having a flaky appearance to them. The larger...
Does anyone have experience using DLC coating as a slip interface for 17-4 and titanium? The bushings in the current design are extruding under the loads and I cannot increase the dimensions. How well would this type of design wear over life?
.3125 diameter shaft by .25 wall with a 3200lb...
I am pushing the recommended design limit for bending radius on a ribbon wire and would like some information.
Does anyone have a graph of (bending radius)/ (wire radius) verses cycles for ribbon wires? Or some variation of this kind of graph. My tests are running from 1M to 4M cycles on a...
If I vacuum a liquid down to 1 micron and then return it to atmospheric pressure will the bulk modulus change? I expect it will increase, become harder to compress.
I have a part that I need to add material to.
The part is a shoulder for an o-ring that was machined too small and has come back to bite me. (Previous engineer's mistake - he designed the gland too narrow by 0.030 and the shoulder too small by 0.008.)
The part is a rod, 17-4PH H900, about 2...
I have a high pressure system with an o-ring and backup o-ring that is jamming. The suspect is the pressure extruding the backup o-ring into the gap between the rod and cylinder.
The backup o-ring is rated at 90A. I was wondering if I could heat treat the O-rings and permanently increase the...
I have a titanium bolt threaded into aluminum and sealed with a titanium putty. Now the parts are fatigue failing in the threads when the bending load is applied. I am wondering if this is a bad design combination?
I need some ideas for heat removal.
The heat source is inside an insulated container with a limited access area, .5cm^2. The units total volume is 200 cm^3. The temperature range is 70 to 160°F, I would like to keep it down to 110°F.
I don't need to remove all of the heat but 30 to 50% would...
I see this has been discussed at length and I understand that the thicker the anodize the faster the part will fatigue. Also that Type I is better for aluminum than Types II or III because the Chromic acid is less damaging to the aluminum. Also that shot peening would improve the fatigue life...
Hey guys,
Facilities just had the floor sealed with and epoxy material. It should have used 4 five gallon containers, they used 2. (They thought they were saving material and money.) They also put down the speckles and the clear sealant and called it done.
Now management wants me to determine...
I need to find a solution.
I have a small shaft ID about 0.3 inches that needs to rotate 15 degrees and carry an alternating side load of 800 to 1600 lbs for 2 million cycles. OD cannot exceed 0.4 inches. Width is constrained to 0.25 inches. Frequency is 1Hz.
Bushings are wearing out before...
I am looking for a spring(s). That have a 0.5 inch travel and a 0.10 minimum height.
Total load is >500lbs
I can locate these around a shaft for stability. Spring ID is >0.375, OD may be <0.75 inches.
I am thinking of the mentioned Belleville Springs but I worry about the snapping. I know I...
IF I have a pipe with two restrictions in it (one at each end) each with a different diameter does the resistance change based on the direction of fluid flow?
The case is a hydraulic damper that has a load of 900N to pull and 600N to push, the position change rate is the same in both...
I am looking for a recommendation for a material.
Small part, Largest dimension is .22mm smallest is .009mm
Tolerances are +- .0005mm
Environment is hydraulic fluid, pressure to 2000psi, temperature to 140°F.
Two flat surfaces of this material will be moving relative to each other.
I have...
While you guys are great and well informed I still need a source.
So I am looking for an excellent reference book(s) for all things material. Metals, plating, hardness, finishes, pros and cons of each, applicability.
Any recommendations? A society with a good library would work too.
Where can I get a copy of AMS 2759? I am looking for the hydrogen embrittlement baking information on 17-4 H900 SST with hard chrome plating (HRC 43-46).
I need some wisdom.
I have a part that is 17-4 H900 stainless steal that was hard chrome coated, and electro-polished. The problem is that they coated my threads too. I have removed the chrome from the threads but I am trying to determine if there is residual degradation of my part fatigue...
Can anyone help me find a ball park number for the bulk modulus of a silicon based hydraulic fluid, Ximeter 200.
An engineer wants to put it in a cyclic damper at 1Hz with no accumulator and I need to determine the pressure increase with temperature.
It should be around 100kPa if I am lucky...