Hello everyone,
we get a request to electroplate some steel components according to ISO 15726.
In our request, thickness is defined as 10um.
ZiNi porcentaje is also set to 12% Nickel.
I checked the standard and I’m not able to find any tolerance to these values.
I can’t also evaluate the...
Hi all!
I´m calculating a component with GJS-400-18LT cast iron. This component works with low dynamic loads, but it has to whistand a high loading (static) during the assembly.
The component has some big cylindrical holes with rounded corners. These holes recieve axial load, that produce...
Hi folks,
I would like to know if there is any equation or similar to define the real contact ratio between two surfaces.
For example, we can consider two steel surfaces with a defined Rz in contact. The real contact will never be 100%, as there will be micro gaps. If we improve the Ra (and...
Hello all,
I would like to simulate the temperature distribution of a braking process with Ansys.
The idea is to have a rotating disk with two non-moving pads on it. The heat will be added a an external value on the brake pads and the disk will reduce its temperature due to convection.
Hi there!
I would like to calculate the temperature developement of a brake system; this means brake pad in contact with brake disk.
I can calculate the dissipated power during the braking, as well as the convection on the disk depending on the rotation speed. However, I´m no sure about the...
Hi all!
I´m trying to simulate the tightening of a screw. It sounds easy, but I can´t get any result.
First, I have created a 3D file with a screw and a long nut (see picture).
The outer cylinder with the thread is fixed.
The plate between schre head and thread is also fixed.
The total...
Hi everyone!
I´m trying to calculate an easy welding Connection between two plates according to the Eurocode. However, I have some questions about the process.
Enclosed is the file (.pdf) with the calculation. This is a very easy example. It would be very nice is someone could take a look to...
I´m designing some steel structures to support some brakes.
This structures consist on welded steel plates (aprox. 20mm thickness).
At the beginning, I did some analytical calculations to dimensions them. However, the structures are more and more complicated and hand calculations are...
Hello to all,
At this moment, I would like to simulate the contact of a cam with the follower in ansys transient structural. I´m not able to find any option for this contact.
In this video it is possible to see clearly what I mean.
Thanks in advance.
Im trying to design a casted component with the following shape.
As expected, I find high stress on the corner and a radius can reduce them.
My question is: If the maximun stress on the radius is higer than yield strengt,
in static: It will "plastify" a little and this high stress...
Hi all:
I'm designing a steel structure. This structure consist on welded steel plates (with different, but similar thicknes).
My main issue is that I find a lot of probles while dimensioning the thicknes of weldings.
I made a "hand calculation" of the forces in the position of the...
I'm mechanical engineer and I work with Creo Elements (and Pro Mechanica) for FE calculations.
Now I would like to include in some of my calculations welded connections, but I fond some issues.
I can introduce the weldings, with the addecuate thickness and material, howeve, i can't...