I always show vapor barrier under slab only. Should i extend it under perimeter footing as well? Talking about residential wood framed building with interior slab on grade and perimeter shallow footings.
Why yes or why not?
Also if you say yes, what about drain rock under the plastic under...
If i design sandwiched wood beam with steel plates, then i use the ratio of steel elasticity modulus over wood...
n=29000/1800=16...so steel converted to DF#1 will be 16x stronger.....and i will use fb of wood for this composite...plus/minus 1000psi
What about PSL beams?
I am doing remodel where is post tensioned slab on grade.
I need to add some square spread footings below to support new columns. How can i get thru the slab? Can I cut the tendons? How would I retrofit them if i cut them?