Dear All
I'm having difficulties to solve the problem below (which i get from API 570 exam sample), can someone (API 570 Inspector) explain how to solve these problem, it is refer to formula areas of subminimum thickness with formula at paragraph 6.1.2 Fitting Local Areas at ASME b 16.5...
Dear all
Kindly need your answer with question below:
1. What the difference between HDD (Horizontal Directional pipeline) and Boring Pipeline? Is it same Terminology or not?
2. How much the deepest HDD technology can be applied?
3. The last, what is function of Pipe reamer and swivel in...
Dear Eng Tips Community
Kindly any of you can explain briefly the different between Dry Flare and Cold Flare, it is associated with HP or LP flare? Is the Ignition system between them different?
I googling, but still not get good definition of that terms.
Thanks for your response and answer...
Dear All
I have question regarding to corrosion probe
Is there corrosion rate reading from Cor probe can be monitored in real time monitoring (on stream monitor) or the corrosion rate is only can be measure only form remote digital controller or handheld corrosion monitor, so we must remove...
I find some reference about Dry Insulation , it tells that it relates to Pipe in pipe (PiP) insulation.
My question are
1.Where the dry insulation placed? Outer pipe, inner pipe or both?
2.What advantages of dry insulation compared with wet insulation?
3.Can dry insulation applied in Single...
Dear all
Can anyone tell the differences between "Rentis Installation Pipeline Method" and "Reel Lay Method"..These two method involving pipeline welding in onshore yard and the sent to offshore pipeline by Barge..But I cannot find clear difference between two of the them..Can anyone explain...
Dear all
I read some article about J lay pipeline installation, and i found some terms about Quad/Hex/Collar weld, which i not clearly understand
1.What is the definitions of quadruple, hex weld or collar weld which are related to J Lay pipe installation? Can someone explain ?
Thank you for...
Dear all
What are the differences between Sphere Tee and Barred tee related to Pig Launcher/Receiver?
Are they have some functions?..
what is the advantages and disadvantages ?
Thank you for answer and response,
Zachari Alamsyah
What is the difference of the method of connecting platform jacket to pile between "grout annulus" and "crown shim"? Could anybody explain the advantages and disadvantages of these method?
Dear all, when I read article about J lay pipe installation I found some terms that I have difficulties to find what the meaning is
1.What is the definitions of quadruple, hex weld or collar weld which are related to J Lay pipe installation? Can someone explain to me with picture?
2.Is the...
Dear all, I find difficulties to find one terms of pipelines system , related to hybrid riser, it might be basic knowledge..hope your input will be enlightening me
1.What specifically Hybrid riser means? I searching by google, hybrid riser means the integration (in one bundle) consist of Rigid...
Sorry, my question might be basic knowledge. I try to find searching by google..but still getting any confuse
My question is about double joint welding , which commonly used in offshore pipeline installation.
1.What the definition of double joint, can someone to give brief explanation?
2. Is...
Is that correct action to replace Stainless Steel Storage Tank which previously dedicated as Chemical Injection Storage Tank to be CRUDE OIL Storage Tank (which commonly constructed by Carbon Steel).
Is there any hazard if Stainless Steel is used to store Crude Oil? Any Reactions will occur...
Is that suitable to replace Stainless Steel Storage Tank which function as Chemical Injection Storage Tank to be CRUDE OIL Storage Tank (which commonly constructed by Carbon Steel).
Is there any hazard if Stainless Steel is used to store Crude Oil? Any Reactions will occur? and what the...
I have simple problem about floating offshore platform type
I’m not clearly understand the different between “SPAR”, “TRUSS SPAR” and “TLP” (Tension leg Platform), from the shape, function, range depth of sea level, riser protection , and other.
Can someone explain the advantages and...
I have some problem to design dog leg pipe in offshore riser
- Can the dog leg pipe constructed like “L” shape or 90 degree bend , because the term dog leg pipe usually related to Z shapes or 45 Deg bend pipe, what international code or standard accommodate this design?
- What the protection...
Dear All
I have facing problem to design Geothermal facility
Most all of reference tells that the common material pipe of Geothermal facility are Polyethylene, High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), PVC, and CPVC .
Can we replace Carbon steel or Stainless steel instead? What the advantage...
Dear All
I having some problem in facility about storage tank
Can Breather valve per API-2000 (Venting Atmospheric and Low-pressure Storage Tanks) replace the requirement of Frangible roof to shell Joint. If the construction of Frangible Joint cannot applicable per API-650 .
Thank you for...
Dear all
When we must use Rupture Disc type Reverse acting? Is this type can withstand higher pressure instead of Direct Acting? More hazardous chemical? What the advantages and disadvantages of this type?
Highly appreciate for your response and answer
Best Regards
Zachari Alamsyah
Dear All
In tensile test, Failure or Break should occur in Base Metal, because the Weld Metal shall have greater strength than weld metal.
But, when i searching in some reference and even occur in my fabrication, failure could be located in Weld Metal and the result was OK (acceptable)