hi, i read the documentation on this but could not get a definite answer out of it (though i believe to have read it somewhere):
For this model to work i need to supply pairs of yield stress/plastic strain points that lead to a stress strain curve that has an decreasing gradient after its...
im trying to perform a plastic deformation simulation with Abaqus/Standard. (its a simple compressiontest).
It runs fine for the most part but near the end the deformations apparently become too big and the analysis fails. Im using triangular elements which i read arent really suited for...
i was wondering how abaqus interpolates the material behaviour when i enter plastic properties such as e.g.
Stress (MPa) / Strain (10^-3 in/in)
0 / 0
12.0 / 0.219
26.0 / 0.417
Lets say i run a tensile or compression test. What...
i got the following issue:
i want to do a tensile test (technically a compression test) with a model of bone i got. For this i received (by my adviser) the model itself and two additional plates.
I want to attach the bone model to the plates so that i can apply boundary conditions to the...
I'm fairly new to Abaqus so bear with me:
I'd like to change material properties during a jobs iteration frames e.g. at the second iteration step id like to change my young's module to e.g. 10^9.
How do i do this?
My final goal is to evaluate each mesh element after an iteration and...