I got a set of plans that had a note I've never seen before. It said that the truss manufacturer had to determine the loads from fall arrest anchors, and specify the attachment method for the anchors.
I have never seen any sort of published standards for this. Does any such thing exist? Have...
Had an interesting situation pop up. Thought it might be worth mentioning here in case any of you ran across a similar situation.
The building is a large one. Has some rather shallow 60' plus span scissor trusses on it. The building has a hip roof, which further complicates things.
Someone brought me a truss design to look over the other day. One of our salesmen sent it in to the office for review.
I know that some of you probably know this stuff better than I do. But others may not deal with trusses a lot. There are new engineers every year. And not everyone who...
This subject came up the other day, and I said I'd try to do a thread on it.
I figure most of you know a lot about them. So there are only a couple of practical things I can talk about that might be helpful.
I created this fictitious truss to show one of the things I'd like to suggest to...
A while back in the thread I started about engineers being wrong someone asked me to post something like this.
We sent out some trusses that needed to be field spliced. Huge 3/4" plywood gussets.
The framer called me and asked "What's the tolerance for the cuts on the plywood gussets." No...
This subject came up in another thread. I figured it was worth discussing in a separate thread.
I'm talking about CLBs - Continuous lateral braces on truss webs. (Not erection bracing or purlins) Since the majority of you are engineers I assume you know what they are and why they're used...
I had a conference with a GC, architect, and engineers on a project. It came in over budget, and the GC asked for some VE (value engineering) suggestions. Not an unusual thing - Happens all the time.
I wrote out what I thought. Several things that were called for were totally unnecessary...
Today I spoke with the EOR on a job we're providing wood roof trusses for. We had done sealed drawings on the job and sent them in. The EOR specified drift loads. He was asking if I had put them on the trusses or not.
Can't say that I blame them. The typical one page truss drawing doesn't...
I recently got a set of plans that called for trusses that are a bit over 14' tall. That's normally not a big issue, as we can piggyback them.
Most truss manufacturers that I know of have tables that are 14' wide. But you can't build a truss that tall, as you have to have jigging blocks...
I thought this subject might interest some of you, and it was worthy of a new thread.
I often get people thinking that if there’s a 2/12 difference between the TC and BC pitches of a scissor truss that a truss will work. That's not always true.
The first issue is geometry. A 4/12 pitch is...
I mentioned in another thread that I've been designing trusses most of my adult life. I started working in a truss plant in 1984, and it went from there.
Over the years I've run into a lot of misconceptions about how trusses are designed, who designs them, etc. I thought I'd take a crack at...