I'm comparing 2, 10 & 100yr existing events to 2, 10, & 100yr proposed events for an infiltration basin design. I can't figure out why my rates work for the 2 & 100 events, but the 10yr existing is greater than the 100yr existing. I've never had this happen before. Does anyone have an idea of...
Does anyone know a good software program for modeling fire flow other than WaterCAD? I cant stand their download / support and we are constantly being over charged for "using the wrong version".
What is the correct way to model a notched weir wall? I have a 0.25’ by 1ft tall notch in my weir wall. The wall is 6 ft wide (inside diameter of the structure). I received a review comment from the governing unit in charge instructing that the weir width should be modeled as 5.75ft as .25 ft...
I need to model and outlet from a wetland. The wetland outlets through a 21" pipe draining to a structure with a 9" vertical Orifice within a 2ft high 4ft wide weir wall, then to a 24" pipe out to another wetland. I Set the model up to route the 21" pipe to the 9" orifice, then the orifice...
Im running 2014 version of civil 3d. In one drawing, I can work for a few minuets, but after I save the drawing wont let me select anything and if I regenall everything disappears. Then the drawing generally crashes. Any idea what is causing this? I've run and audit.
Does anyone have a good way to model a sloped infiltration trench? I have a 5 ft wide trench, 3 feet deep with, 300ft long at about 1.5% slope. Do you just set up the model with multiple custom stage storage? Do you need to have some sort of outlet from each storage to the next?
Im working on a fire flow model using WaterCAD. I have to meet two requirements - first is maintain 1500gpm @ 20psi while flowing the two highest/remote hydrants simultaneously. The second is to achieve 2000gpm @ 20 psi on the highest hydrant flowed individually. I get the same results for...
Anyone know how to correctly model the 10-day 100-yr snow melt with HydroCAD?
I have set up my model with storm type as the Spillway 1-day 10 day, duration for 240 hrs, and adjusted my AMC to be 4 (using Atlas 14 rainfall). This still indicates that I would be getting infiltration out of my...