Section says that the design forces determined from Section shall be increased by 25% for the connection of diaphragms to vertical elements. In section diaphragm forces are calculated by equation 12.10-1 and compared to the seismic forces calculated from the...
I am designing a special masonry shear wall with an opening as a coupled shear wall. This results in an additional axial tension/compression force from seismic in the wall piers on either side of the opening. When calculating Fvm per equation 2-29 of ACI 530-11, am I correct to assume that the...
Is the only way to combat masonry crushing per ACI 530-11 equation 2-7 by increasing the diameter of your bolt? Can you justify excluding this failure mode in some way? I'm just trying to figure out how you get any decent capacity out of an anchor bolt in masonry when you have to check this...
I am working on a 3-story building with a 2 hour firewall that cuts right through it. The building has concrete over metal deck floors and steel beams and columns. The building is located in a high seismic region and the floor diaphragm needs to be continuous through the wall. My thought was...
I am designing a free standing crane in a high seismic area. AISC Design Guide 7 has a Case 3 load combination that includes earthquake loads, where the load is at strength level (E). Can someone explain to me why it wouldn't be at allowable stress level (.7E)?