I'm cutting down the width of a sawn beam to fit in a seat. To my knowledge CSA086/NDS definition of notches is for notches reducing the vertical height of the timber. Is there any restriction on cutting down the width? Of course, the net section will be checked for bearing/shear, etc...
Looking at the standard designs they are proposing here https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/farming-natural-resources-and-industry/construction-industry/building-codes-and-standards/guides/bc_std_des_catalogue_v1.pdf for the province of BC.
I'm not sure how you can have an all window first floor...
The situation I have is that back to back angles are welded longitudinally only to a plate, but not with the typical orientation of an angle on each side of the plate, but both angles on the same side. If this were a WT, the approach would be simple, but how do I connect these so that they are...
Table 2-8 in the commentary calls out all channels as class 3 - does this hold true for the case of cap channel as well? This seems to be quite punishing compared to AISC for crane runway design. On the one hand, the channel will bend about its strong axis when subject to side thrust, so it...
Has anyone ever heard of this? Instead of welding a plate washer, just filling the hole with epoxy grout and then the plate washer sits on the oversize as it would anyway to transmit tension.
I'm looking for someone older and wiser to help me with an issue with ASCE 7-05. Unfortunately, this is a bit before my time, but it is technically the code in force in a jurisdiction I'm working in, and the old 3 second gusts don't play well with the new limit state gusts in modern ASCE 7. The...
Formulas and Charts for Impedances of Surface and Embedded Foundations by Gazetas, as well as ASCE 136 Concrete Foundations for Turbine Generators, make reference to a "cross-coupling" impedance caused by lateral stiffness of the embedded side wall of the foundation also providing some...
Section 11.6 allows us to use only table 11.6-1 to determine the SDC, which in my case lets me go to SDC C from D, which is pretty desirable. It points to 12.3 for the rigid diaphragm conditions, which seems to be only allow concrete deck to be called rigid. I'm wondering if there is any way...
I'm analyzing some embedded plates with nelson studs welded in at an angle. I haven't had much luck finding this exact connection for some reason, even though it is pretty common. This is how I've decided to analyze it, kind of like some other precast connections, but wondering if there is a...
Curious how others approach this - I have a block of concrete used largely as a chunk of mass to prevent overturning/uplift. The design works for internal forces as plain concrete. I would never just pour a block of concrete without bar, since it could crack and fall apart, but if I add 0.2% bar...
If the numbers work out for shear friction for a construction joint with concrete not intentionally roughened, is there any reason to roughen the joint? I called out the joint roughened to 1/4", but have roughly 60m2 of joint to hammer, so the contractor would prefer not to understandably. I...
Is anyone aware of any way to evaluate the strength and stiffness requirements for a beam support? Eurocode or some paper maybe? I'm thinking specifically to evaluate unstiffened beams over supports, underhung monorails, etc...
I have a long strip footing (~300'), and having some discussion on the need for control joints. Minimum rebar of .2% will be provided (possibly increasing to 0.5%) to control cracking, but are joints required as well?
Is anyone aware if pre eng buildings are common/used at all in Europe? Based on google and some discussions with colleagues it doesn't appear so, but I wonder if someone knows for sure.
My mechanical engineer has conveniently ordered a pump without a sub base, and now the impeller housing which is 4" away from the anchors is below the top of concrete. Breakout of course doesn't work, so I'm thinking of embedding an angle with rebar welded to it and lapped to the foundation bar...
I'm on a project where we can't locate buried HDPE firewater piping. It either isn't near the location shown on the drawings, or is much deeper than it is shown on the drawings. Apparently, GPR will not work as the soil is contaminated with hydrocarbons. Does anyone have any outside the box...
I guess my north american privilege is showing... But doesn't anyone know if the dutch annexes to eurcode are available in english, as opposed to only in dutch?
I've got fairly large centrifuges on an elevated slab supported on steel below - the centrifuge will be directly above the structural steel but anchored to concrete. The slab won't be composite with the beams below, but will possibly have some impact on the stiffness of the supporting beams...
I'd like to detail a splice with the web plate on only one side, bolted to one end of the beam and welded to the other. I can't find any guidance on why it isn't permitted, but also can't find any examples of it being done. On the one hand, we use shear tabs and single angle shear connectors, so...
I've got a situation where I'm tying a deep concrete girder into some existing piers. It's a strut and tie type of situation - in my opinion as long as I develop the bar into the existing pier enough to get my node into the kern distance of the column, I can just use a a fanning strut to...