I am curious about something. Say I wanted to build a alarm system for a vehicle. If the alarm goes off, to send a signal to a remote on a key chain. What kind of chip does the actual sending from the vehicle and what chip is in the remote.
I am working on a bid right now and I see an item called Utilidor Floor Plate. After looking at Utilidor in general I see it is a product for running utilities between floors and such. Does anyone have any information on the floor plate though, maybe a web link or general descripition. Thanks.
I dont know if this is the proper location for this question but oh well. I am looking to make my own molds for making bricks to make a fence. Me and my wife have our own idea on blocks and are thinking about making the mold, getting cement and adding whatever mixtures we need.
My question...
Does anyone know what the maximum flight of stairs or total distance is before I have to provide a landing. I think I remember 17 rises or 12' max before a landing is required for resting. Am I wrong or right?
I have a font file, archstyl.shx, that creates simply symbols such as plate and centerline with certain letters from the keyboard. How do I go about modifying or adding symbols to this file?
I am trying to learn about LCD panels. How are they programmed and the basic functions on how they work.
I am interested in doing some tinkering with electronics and would like to see if I can add little LCD displays on my projects, but I get confused about what they are about and what...
I try to set my orgin at 0,0,0 and it appears to set. But as I go along and if I check my elevations, I have stuff all over the place in reference to Z. What am I doing wrong, cant I set my Z to a point and have it keep it there no matter what view I am in or use? Very frustrating when I try...
Can I change my right click menus or context senstive menus using lisp? Something like if I preselected a text and right click I get a custom menu that I create just for text operations? Like drawing a line and right clicking and getting the osnaps?
Does anyone have a lisp that creates 3D to 2D? I used express tools for a while but dont like how you cant control the hidden lines color or type, and it does some funky stuff on circluar objects.
I would use solprof or solview but want something that runs in model space, like express tools...
Does anyone have a lisp that can edit Mtext or regular text to put common things behind or in front of the text?
I have a leader with text "a"(mtext or regular text) and I want it to read "a typ" or "a SEE DETAIL" or "2X a SEE Detail"
So I am looking for something that I can pick...
Should I use VBA or VB to write custom programs for AutoCAD? If I use VB what do I use to send the command to AutoCAD, the sendcommand? I noticed in VBA it has a lot of AutoCAD objects, but cant seem to find the same in my VB 6.0 Pro, anyone mess with this recently?
Should I just blow away VB...
How can I set my Autocad to use a specific plotter instead of finding the last one in that the drawings used? I set the options to use last succesful plot, but every time I plot, I get unable to find plotter (other users plotters) and have to go and find plotter, size of paper, etc...
Is there...
Can someone explain to me what a kernel is? Mostly Cad kernels, how can someone learn how they work and to develop say a cad program? Our IT man says its the main commmands for the program running. Where would I go to veiw one?
Can anyone tell me what the vertical distance is from the finished floor on a landing to the top hand rail? Is it 3'-6, and the top handrail on the actual stair part 2'-10 from nosing line? This is for metal stairs, using C12 x 20.7, with pour pans and deck. Thanks.
I have some ideas for some utilities that would help me out greatly in AutoCad. I see these small programs that run inside of AutoCad with buttons and everything. What route should I take to create something of that caliber? Example is MechQ, how or what platform would I use to create my own...
In steel detailing I remember a common gage for smaller beams of being 2.5 down from top of flange to start a bolted connection. Eg. simple beam tying into a column. What I cant remember is when that gauge turns into 3", what size of W flange is that? Does anyone know of a site that...