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  1. EngineerRam

    Concrete/Masonry Partition Walls

    Hello, I am designing some concrete and masonry partition walls in accordance with Chapter 13 of ASCE 7-05 (non-structural components). The walls are clipped at the top soffit in order to restrain out-of-plane translation, but not to provide in-plane resistance. Assuming pinned-pinned supports...
  2. EngineerRam

    ETAB - General Frame Section

    Hello, When defining a general frame section in ETABS, section dimensions are to be defined. However, the section properties can also be overwritten. Are the section dimensions specific only towards weight or is there something else they correspond to? Thanks
  3. EngineerRam

    Type II Couplers - Different Types

    Hello, Recently we received a submittal from a contractor to use a Type II coupler that I have never seen before. The product is similar to the below link: Seems...
  4. EngineerRam

    Reinforced Concrete Collector Longitudinal Reinforcement Ratio

    Hi, Does anyone know if there is anything in the ACI limiting the reinforcement ratio in a collector? Section of ACI 318 references SMF column requirements of sections and The SMF column 6% requirement is referenced in Thanks
  5. EngineerRam

    Decoupling of Buyer's and Seller's Agents Fees - Real Estate - Implications on Engineering Industry

    Hello, What are everyone's thoughts on the RAC's decision to decouple buyer's and seller's agent fees? Will this have an effect on the engineering industry? Can we expect more buyers choosing to hire engineers to do assessments prior to purchase and forgoing realtors?
  6. EngineerRam

    ACI Wall Piers

    Hi, I am working on a project which will have many wall piers (ACI definition). Lw/Bw for these wall piers is less than 2.5, so the alternative requirements of do not apply. This section references 18.7.4, 18.7.5, and 18.7.6. calls out the maximum spacing of confining...
  7. EngineerRam

    ETABS Pier Compressive Stress Block Output

    Hi All, Does anyone know how to extract compressive stress block lengths in ETABS wall piers for each design load combination? I am only able to view this info if I am exciting a boundary element requirement, but I would like to see these values for all load combinations. Thanks
  8. EngineerRam

    Light Gauge Steel Flange Local Bending

    Hello, I am relatively new to light gauge steel design. Looking through AISI S100, I see no provisions for flange local bending. Does anyone know if this is referenced in any AISI code? Thanks
  9. EngineerRam

    Vertical Acceleration and Live Load

    Hello, In ASCE 7, a minimum of 25% of the floor live load in storage facilities shall be used for the effective seismic weight. However, vertical acceleration is only a function of the dead load. Does anyone know why this is? It is rational to me that if the live load contributes to the...
  10. EngineerRam

    Different Response Modification Factors for Orthogonal Lateral Resisting Systems

    Hello, When calculating the seismic demands on structures as per ASCE 7 for a regularly shaped building with different lateral systems in the orthogonal directions, the computation is done based on the primary lateral system in each of the directions. My question pertains to the shear going to...
  11. EngineerRam

    SSW with no boundary elements - flexural and shear design

    Hello, When designing special shear walls with no boundary elements (i.e. reinforcement at ends is not confined), do you consider the contribution of the end reinforcement in compression to the flexural capacity of the wall? The reason I am asking is because making or not making this assumption...
  12. EngineerRam

    ETABS - Color Coded Frame Member Deflection Check

    Hello, Does anyone know if ETABS has the functionality to display L/deltamax ratios on a color coded basis similar to RISA3D? Thanks
  13. EngineerRam

    Interpretation of of TMS 402-16

    Hi, How does everyone interpret the following from "The sum of the cross-sectional area of horizontal and vertical reinforcement shall be at least 0.002 multiplied by the gross cross-sectional area of the wall, using specified dimensions." Is the gross cross-sectional area taken...
  14. EngineerRam

    Correct Detailing of Concrete SMF Hoops and Ties

    Hi, I am working on a project where the contractor wants to use a U bar with 2 seismic hooks at the ends + a crosstie (like Fig R21.5.3 in ACI 318-08) in lieu of an exterior closed tie in a special moment frame column. From my understanding of the code, this detail is only allowable in flexural...
  15. EngineerRam

    SEAOC Manuals Page Count

    All, I am considering buying all 5 volumes of the SEAOC manual, but I'm on the fence regarding purchasing the pdf or hardcopy. Can anyone who has the manuals tell me the page count of each volume? A higher page count will sway me to just purchasing the hardcopy.
  16. EngineerRam

    Wall Opening in Existing Shear Wall

    I am working on a project where the client wants to create an 18'-0" opening in the center of an existing 33'-0" bearing/shear wall. The issue is that there are no as-builts or record drawings to speak of and the structure is heavily cladded, so it would be near impossible to create as-builts to...
  17. EngineerRam

    Minimum Height for Consideration of Hydrodynamic Loading

    Hi, I was wondering if there exists any code provision that allows hydrodynamic loads to be neglected in a water retaining structure for some maximum height. Thanks
  18. EngineerRam

    6/5 Beam Column Capacity

    Hi, If I have two beams framing into a concrete column for a special moment frame, one beam is part of the special moment frame and the other is a cantilever beam, do both beam capacities need to be considered when computing the requirements for strong column-weak beam, or only the special...
  19. EngineerRam

    ASCE 7 Partially Enclosed vs. Enclosed

    Per ASCE 7, a partially enclosed structure is defined as such: 1. The total openings in a wall exceeds the sum of the areas of openings in the balance of the building envelope by >10%. 2. The total area of openings in a wall that receives positive external pressure exceeds 4ft2 or 1% of area of...
  20. EngineerRam

    Moment Magnification - Sway Frames - ACI 318-08

    Hi, The equation for moment magnification in a column in a sway frame in ACI 318-08 (same in 11) is M1 = M1ns + (deltas)(M1s), where deltas is the sway moment magnifier. My question is why does this equation not consider deltans, the nonsway moment magnifier? Shouldn't this be multiplied to...

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