For an unconfined aquifer , we have this pde for the water table position , of course after making the Boussinesq somehow linear :
∂²(h²)∕∂x² + ∂²(h²)∕∂y² = (2s/k ) ∂h/∂t - 2N/k
N and K and S are constants .
would u tell me what type mathematically it is ? this equation , in respect to h^2...
I have a problem with Show Table command in Etabs 2015 , it is not like older versions for me... i mean i cant find the option for show we could choose load combos and selection only and ....
where is it in Etabs 2015 ?
help me out guys ~
I have posted same problem in Seismology department here , but i think i explained in a not clear way , i got no reply ,,
well , the problem is , i am calculating lateral stiffness for frames , steel frames , and to reach story lateral stiffness and CR point .
problem is , i have an oblique...
For calculating the center of rigidity of a floor system , i know that i have to first find the rigidity of frames in horizontal and vertical direction ,
but now i am confronted with something that im not capable to understand and calculate ,
i will attach the columns plan here in this post ...
I know it seems very elementary , but i have problem and doubts ,
well i want to know , when im going to calculate center of mass in each floor , without any software , should i calculate the weight of walls ? walls at perimeter and partitions ?
and what about that half of the height of walls...
Hey guys ,
i need some resources and information about shell structures ,
i wanna know how they make it really , which material they use , how they erect those type of structures , ...
where do u suggest i look it up for ..?
is it any special guide or point for positioning the columns in a plan ?
i mean , when i get the plan from an architect , after it , i have to place the columns in the very first place ,
any guide for doing it the best way ?
is there any best way or it is based on engineering experiences ?!
could anyone help me with the definition of the center of the resistance in a building or anywhere )
and the difference between this and center of stiffness , im really in need of knowing it ,
tnx for your help )
I was calculating lateral earth pressure at rest for a submerged or actually partially submerged soil.
with a surcharge q for instance.
and i dont understand why this surcharge does not add to pore water pressure , and we only add it to effective stress.
is it the same when water table is at...
I wanted to know why we dont correct SPT number due to overburden pressure in cohesive soil .
Is it because of Phi=0 concept ?
Im really stucked here.
Tnx in advance.