I work in Fire Protection. We are developing some training for protection of Elevators.
Is there an easy reference for Elevator Types? Our standard refers to, "Traction Elevators, Hydraulic Elevators, and Combustible Suspension".
Hydraulic is self explanatory, however, we feel that there is a...
We are discussing the change in the 2010 of section
The gist of the matter is states fittings are to be standard weight. seems to require Extra Heavy duty fittings.
Can standard rated grooved E's and Tee's be used inside the fire area? Using the...
I have a situation where the 36" requirement is being strictly adhered to. The items in question are 24V VAV's for mechanical.
We have no room. Drywall corridor walls, so not grounded.
Any obscure references that will assist? Subsection (b) is not recognized.
BTW, I am a sprinkler guy. I am...
Good morning,
I read the posts here and learn much. Thank You.
Is there anyway possible to bring a pdf file with hyperlinks into excel
Thanks in advance.