Suppose you have a built up I beam, with fillet welds connecting the flanges to the web. This matches AISC Description 3.1 for stress category B (16ksi), or I suppose 3.4 if the welds are intermittent for category E (4.5ksi)
But if the welds are transferring the shear between the flanges and...
AISC states that for steel structures, fatigue does not need to be considered for less than 20,000 cycles. This never made sense to me, if you look at a S-N diagram, the fatigue strength begins to decrease before this. Is the thinking that if you have your safety factors against static, the...
Mechanical engineer here...having some trouble wrapping my head around things.
Say for example you have a beam botted between columns with an end plate bolted connection.
My understanding is that these connections are typically designed as simply supporting, taking only shear load. I guess the...
I am trying to determine what fatigue weld stress category would be used for the picture. I was thinking perhaps C'' from description 5.6? but that wouldn't be quite right since it is not a plate and the fillets are not parallel. Category C from description 8.1 would be my other thought...
I am trying to determine what fatigue weld stress category would be used for the picture. I was thinking perhaps C'' from description 5.6? but that wouldn't be quite right since it is not a plate and the fillets are not parallel. Category C from description 8.1 would be my other thought...
I need to purchase some DIN 580 lifting eyes. I was wondering if there is any danger in using zinc plated ones. I know that zinc plating is bad for threaded fasteners in fatigue if they are over a certain hardness. Does anyone know if this would apply to these lifting eyes?
I have a feeling I am out of luck but I have about 30 lengths of unidentified round bar stock. I was wondering if anyone could point be in the right direction for a process or even test to narrow down or determine what material we have.
I have a 3" diameter shaft (4140 per astm a434 which I have spec'd on the drawing to be induction hardened to RC55-58 to a depth of 0.03"
I still want the core to be machinable as I need to machine a bore in it of 2" diameter. I am worried about the core @.5" depth being to hard to...
Hi, can anyone point me in the right direction for a source on contact mechanics between say a lug in a hole with a tight tolerance (d/D ~1 or very close to 1).
The equations in the two texts I have (Shigley / Roark) give a contact area of 180deg. Are these equations valid for such situations...
Hi, wondering if anyone can help clarify the proper way to analyze this type of connection.
Say you have a bolted connection resisting moment which is putting a tension force on the bolts. Bolts further away from the connection centroid see a higher tensile force than those closer to the...
Hi, wondering if anyone can help clarify the proper way to analyze this type of connection.
Say you have a bolted connection resisting moment which is putting a tension force on the bolts. Bolts further away from the connection centroid see a higher tensile force than those closer to the...
Hi all,
In AISC 13, J3.9 Combined tension and shear in slip critical connections there is a factor to derate slip resistance due to tension on the joint.
In eqn J3-5. the term Ta for tension force.
In a preloaded joint, is this the total external applied tension force. or is it the tension...
Does anybody know any distributors of proprietary grade spring steel stronger than ASTM A401. The type of stuff used in the manufacture of valve springs and such...KOBE and Mitsubishi Steel are some producers of it in Japan.
I have some questions about analysis of threaded parts.
1) When designing bolts in tension under fatigue loading, Shigley cites a stress concentration factor of 3.8
2) What about a threaded rod in bending in fatigue, do we use the same concentration factor of 3.8
Thanks in advance.
Does anybody have a reference for this? All I can find is for rectangular section which has maximum stress at the middle of the side edges of the rectangle and zero stress at the corners. What would be the maximum point to an I section? At the fillet between the web and flange?
Thanks in advance
I have a fabricator who was off on the placement of his holes and now needs to machine away part of a weld.
In the picture attached, the spot face needs to me machined even more than shown to make room for the washer so we will have an intermittent fillet weld at that point. I know...
I have the scenario drawn out in the attachment.
I want to find the max tensile force in the bolt. I am wondering if I can use the Case II approach in the Section “Eccentricity Normal to the Plane of the Faying Surface” in Part 7 of the Steel Construction Manual? This approach puts the NA...
Hi all,
I was reading this thread, and one of the key points for the load to be shared was that beams must be spanning the same length. My question is, what if the top beam is only over the first 1/2 of the entire span. Does the load sharing...