Practice exam query: joint B-L2c-S (page 96), range of root face as fit up, base metal 1 inch thick.
Being timed I was rushing, and answered 3/16 - 5/16, as f = 1/4" inch max +/- 1/16".
Correct answer 0 - 5/16".
Obviously as a joint with complete penetration, bottom of tolerance for 'f'...
Listening to some of the advice from my last post I have been working in the code and paying special attention to the 'notes'.
Figures 3.3 - 3.4, note 'a' in the legend on page 77 provides a stipulation that these joints are not pre qualified for GMAW-S, nor GTAW.
Buuuuut sub clause 3.2.2...
Hello everyone. I'll keep this as short as possible. I am a member of several forums, it's a challenge to find educated professionals fluent in structural welding code. I have been on a welding torch for 15 years, since I was 19, various fabrication jobs involving low carbon steels, stainless...