Abaqus manual has stated that usually geostatic step must converge in 1 increment. But would it be considered correct if geostatic step converges in more than 1 increment like 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1 s? The displacements are very low and stresses are also correct at the end of analysis.
Taking advantages of symmetry of loading acting on a circular foundation and soil, I have reduced to my model to half cylindrical (semicylindrical) model. Thus foundation and soil are both semi cylindrical. However, I do not get a successful geostatic step which I was getting in my complete 3-d...
Attached is the figure of a simple cuboid of soil which I want to mesh. I have been able to mesh this part successfully but by putting a question here my main aim is to reduce the number of elements without affecting the seed size at the centre. At the centre there are 3 circles which have a...
I want to create no tension elements between soil and foundation. To do this, I have created a thin circular layer of 0.01 m and assigned it the linear elastic properties of soil (for no tension, plastic propertes like mohr-coulomb model cannot be used). I also toggled on "No Tension" option in...
In Abaqus, I have an octagonal foundation resting on soil. I am required to produce a Vertical-Horizontal (VH) loading failure envelope for this system. A VH failure envelope for a circular footing resting on soil has been attached. I am describing briefly how this is achieved by using finite...
I am modeling an octagonal foundation in Abaqus. The foundation is 3.1 m in height. By its geometry, foundation has got slopes with face angle less than 45 degrees. As a result, when I mesh my model, I get a warning which says that distorted elements have been detected. This is around 25% of...
I have a simple soil model 3D with C3D8R elements. The soil is undrained saturated overconsolidated clay . It is linear elastic-perfectly plastic. That means properties like poisson's ratio, Young's modulus, friction angle, dilation angle, cohesion yield stress and abs plastic strain have...