I have an issue with foam pigs being torn up in an 8" line. I have sourced a solid multiple cup poly pig to use as a temporary solution. It is an 8" pig, length = 16". It has a minimum bend radius of 12". I am concerned whether this pig will traverse a 45degree bend with internal diameter of...
I am purchasing a particle-size reducer and need to decide the type of drive I want to use. The piece of equipment comes standard with a belt drive. I know belt drives are usually cheaper but usually have lower performance. Are there any other advantages/disadvantages? Such as...
I am working on a warehouse improvement project and one of the major jobs is to install some dock locks/truck restraints. There are so many different designs to choose from. Does anyone have any experience installing dock locks or know of the best designs/suppliers. I would like a...
I am working on a warehouse improvement project and one of the major jobs is to install some dock locks/truck restraints. There are so many designs to choose from. Does anyone have any experience installing dock locks or know of the best designs/suppliers. I would like a dock lock...
I am currently working on a project to reuse the stormwater collected in a lagoon onsite. My first idea was to reuse it as tote-cleaning water but many water quality & operations issues have come up. Since the cooling tower water is treated already for bugs could the answer to my problem be...
I have a hot water recycling problem. I want to recycle water from our lagoon into a hot water tank that is used for our tote cleaning processes. In order to kill the 'bugs' in the water I have been told by our microbio engineer that at 85C (hot water temp used today) we would need to...
Onsite we have a lagoon and we are trying to find a way of recycling it back into the plant. Basically we have decided that it would be best to recycle back to our tote cleaning area. Due to operating requirements we have to provide hot water that can be used as a wash and a rinse...
I am working on improving my plant's effluent treatment system. Currently we only control the pH before discharging. I am currently working on a new chiller project that will remove the addition of once thru cooling water to my effluent. First I am performing a study on the effluent minus the...
I am automating the pump out of an onsite storm water pond. The issue I am having is the method of heat tracing to use on the exposed suction line. Under water insulation is an issue. I am looking into either a jacketed pipe with heat tracing inside or the other idea I have is to run mineral...
I am finding it difficult to find a solution to my heat tracing problem. I need to trace a 4" steel pipe under water. The problem with ordinary electrical heat tracing is that it cannot be insulated under water. So I am thinking of a jacketed pipe with a glycol heat tracing system. Does...