Hi all,
I am using Abaqus 2017 and isight 2017 and I am having some issues.
In particular, I am working with the abaqus component:
1- I try to import the odb file generated with Abaqus 2017 using more than 1 cpu.
I have an error that says that there are not odb files.
2- If I try to import an...
Hi all!
I have developed an Abaqus model that is automatically modified by a Python script (it starts from scratch).
I have created some cycles and I have already obtained some surfaces of response varying 3 parameters combining python and matlab.
Now, I would like to create an approximation...
I have a very large set of elements and I need to exclude a small group of them from that large set .
Therefore, at the moment I have:
- Large set of elements
- Small set of elements that is included in the large one
Can I exclude the small set from the large set, using a Python script in...
I am writing a script to create a parametric analysis of my model.
My problem is that it is composed by many different unit cells, so I need to merge all of them in an automatic way through the script.
I am using this script:
a = mdb.models.rootAssembly
SingleInstances_List =...
I am not an expert in thermo-mechanical problems and am trying to solve a thermo-mechanical problem in Abaqus.
However, I have some problems with the use of Temperature.
My structure has a starting temperature of 300K and, suddenly, one face suffers an increase of Temperature up to 600K.
I would...
I am still playing with subroutines in Abaqus 6.13 and I was trying to obtain the most from them.
I am using the *Parameter card to obtain a standard code which can be used for different studies, just changing the parameters at the beginning.
My problem is that these parameters are not passed...
I am playing a bit with subroutines in Abaqus 6.13 to understand how they work.
At the moment I am using a VUSDFLD to variate the stiffness/density/conductivity in a model (I defined the field variable) depending on Temperature and Position.
It seems that there are not particular errors in the...