I am trying to setup ply patterns for a gerber cutting machine. I have my ply patterns defined in CATIA Drafting. This drawing will be output as a DXF file for the gerber cutter to read.
The way the gerber cutter works is that it will route and cut my prepreg material per each line or...
I need to convert a CATPart from V5-6R2013 to V5R20. I accidentally saved a V5R20 file using V5-6R2013. A customer can only view and work with the CATPart using V5R20. Thanks to anybody that can help.
I have a CATIA drawing with parameters attached to it. I want to modify the CATIA Dassault System provided script (Drawing_Cartridge_PlyBook) to read a parameter in my drawing and assign that value over the script string "text_05". Is there a simple command to do this? Thank you.
I am trying to learn NDARC without any guidance and it has been very overwhelming. Is anybody familiar with the program?
What I have basically understood from what I have read is that one may define the aircraft components (wings, fuselage, number of rotors, etc) and assign parameters...
When apply an angle to the root incident and washout of a wing, where is the center of rotation taken about? The mac, the center of gravity of the wing, x coordinate of the max thickness of the chord?
When creating a point using Knowledge Pattern, let's say by intersection using function intersect(Curve,Curve). Is there a way to extract its x,y,&z coordinates?
I saw a function called Point->coord(rank:integer):Length. However, I am unsure what the integer input is and if the Point is...
I have imported airfoil coordinates into CATIA using Excel GSD_PointSplineLoftFromExcel and have modeled a wind design that is linked to the points generated by Excel.
However, I want to switch out my airfoil to a different one. Using the Excel spreadsheet will only generate new points...