Is an aluminum geodesic roof considered a fixed roof in accordance with API 650 5.10.1?
Background : A new tank is being built in which the wind girder is being used a walkway. Per 5.9.6, a wind girder used as a walkway shall be located between 42" and 48" from the top angle or the top of the...
I'm sure this is fairly common, but I am really curious as to what the tensile specimens looked like. I only have access to the WPS, and it seems like there are way too many cracking issues for my liking with this combination.
Good morning All,
I have a two fold question. I am verifying some calculations and need some help. I have piping supported by a single tee shaped support. Should the calcs be based on :
A)continuous span (few)
B) continuous span (many)
C) single span free ends.
Thanks in advance.