Hi guys,
I have precipitation depth for 11 hours and I want to use this storm data to create a rainfall event to do the analysis, does anyone know how to do that?
I attached my HydroCAD model and the last thing to do is to create the rainfall event.
Besides, what is the P2(2yr-24hr Rain) I...
I create a pond in HydroCAD, its principle spillway is weir. I have a discharge-elevation curve for this weir as shown below. Now I want to manually type it into the HydroCAD, so the water will flow out according to the discharge-elevation curve. does anyone know how to do it?
Please see my HydroCAD model in the attachment.
When I run it, the inflow and the outflow of one reach named "Reach 17A" is highly different. It seems like the reach decreases the inflow a lot after flow pass it. Do you know what happened with my model?
Please see the following screen shot, one smaller pipe connect to one larger pipe, if there is manhole or junction at their connection, does anyone know how to simulate the connection them in HydroCAD? Just create two catch-basin and connect them?
Thank you
I want to simulate the case that one small culvert inserts into one bigger culvert at its middle point, does anyone know how to do this in HydroCAD.
Thank you so much.