Hi everyone,
I'm currently designing a waste water treatment of a plant that manufactures interferons. This is the last process I need to design and I am done! yay.
I have decided to use an activated sludge system and I need to work out the Biochemical Oxygen Demand levels in the influent and...
So i'm designing a plant that manufactures interferons. I've completed a majority of the plant and now i'm left with treating the waste water of the system.
I am required to calculate the amount of oxygen produced by all the substrates in the waste water and to design a settler/clarifier.
Hi guys,
So I'm currently designing a PFD which looks perfect at the moment in regards to all the mass balances and units like my batch reactors, centrifuge, ultrafiltration, cation exchange column etc....
Only problem i'm faced with currently is how to treat the waste coming out of the...