Good evening,
I have some problem with using msc Adams. I am trying to add friction between sphere rolling on box, but the problem is when I add friction in contact it doesn't work us I expected. It doesn't stop the ball after initial velocity is supplied. It is just decreasing initial...
Hello again,
I am facing some problem with generating .mnf file. I am trying to get a model of flat plate (shown on the image) and then .mnf file to import it to adams. I am following this tutorial: Link. But the problem is when I apply only DOF (6 degrees for 4 corners of the plate) I get an...
Hello for everyone,
I am new with Patran and Adams and I am struggling few problems. I would really appreciate any help. So the first problem is... while I am trying to import any type of another 3D model I get an error: Warning reported from application CORE, Error executing subprogram...