I had a question about determining Pile Capacity. I'm using the Nordlund Method for Driven Piles to determine the skin and tip resistance. In most cases when designing a bridge Abutment, as a conservative approach I usually take the bottom of footing as the top of the ground (usually the...
I am currently reviewing a design from another company and was wondering if anyone could help with finding a good Foundation Book on Rocks.
I am a Structural Engineer, but we design our own foundations, using the AASHTO LRFD code, so I'm well versed when it comes to Driven Piles and Drilled...
Is there a development length error in the AASHTO LRFD Bridge 7th Edition (which includes 2015/2016 Interim Revisions?). I'm getting a much longer development length (6') as compared to the previous equation before the interim revisions (1') for a #5 bar. Is this correct? Or is there an error?