Hello everybody...
Let say we have two transformers (please don't bother with transformers data, they are only to get the pricipal on how to calculate):
1. 20/10kV, uk=8%, S=40MVA, YNd1
2. 10/6.6kV, uk=6%, S=20MVA, DYn11
If we would like to make stability test of 20/10kV transformer on way that...
I am wondering about few things regarding unnderfrequency Protection for genrator stepup transformer...So, if somebody could give some comments...
- is setting for trip is 47,5Hz for 1 second to short. Means should we give more time to try to come back in normal frequency
- is it necessary...
Can anybody tell me is it neccessary to connect neutral of the Diesel generator if we want to use diesel generator
as a source to inject 400v on three phase transformer on delta side. The point is to test stability of transformer
injecting 400v from generator. Fault on the high...