I have a query related to cold working of the holes. Would like to know up to what extent the benefits of cold working can be assumed. That is to say what is the minimum distance from the edge of the hole unto which the cold working can be considered. Will there be any change in the...
Can someone help me understand the difference between a thermoplastic and CFRP? Which of these, is a better material for aircrafts?
What could be the possible/practical challenge in certifying (under 14 CFR part 25) thermoplastic as a primary structure? Also difficulties related to repairs...
Can someone help understand the difference between a sleeve and flanged bush? What is the use of a flanged bush and this effect be achieved by some other means?
I am dealing with a major wing repair. There is extensive corrosion on the top surface of wing, as a result of which repair doublers needs to be installed on the wing. Aerodynamics team also got involved to check for the aerodynamic penalties. It was found that drag count has increased hence...
Can someone help me understand the maximum damaging angle with respect to Fatigue behavior of metals. I my opinion it means that in a multi-axial state of stress the max fatigue damage occurs at this angle if an equivalent uniaxial stress is applied at it.