I am planning a water systems (flow velocity ~2.5 m/s, max. 8 bar) consisting of a header and several branches connected to the header by butterfly or ball valves. These valves are electrical actuated with an opening/closing time of approximately 10 seconds. I would like to check in advance if a...
Up to which size can butterflys be actuated by lever? At which sizes is it receommended to use gear wheels instead of levers?
What is approximately the price difference between a lever and a gear wheel?
For production hall piping we normally use trapeze hangers made out of sectional steel for multiple pipe runs and for single pipes mostly rods mounted to the roof.
There is a lot of information available about pipe stress, thermal expansion, support width calculaton and so on but unfortunatly I...
A flow meter should be placed in an grinding oil supply pipe.
System data
Fluid: grinding oil
Supply pipe: ND150 (6 inch)
Flow rate: 150 to 2300 l/min
Flow pressure: 3.5 to 8 bar
In this case I can only chosse between paddle wheel and vortex type, so other flow meter types don't need to be...
We regulary install industrial fluid treatment systems with normally 3 VFD controlled pumps. Until now the VFD's have been placed in the PLC's electrical enclosure. Unfortunatly this often causes space problems inside the enclosure since the VFD's are really big serving pumps up to 90 kW.
I am currently planning a carbon steel pipe system with pipe dimensions (outer diameter, wall thickness) according to EN-standards. As there are no laterals with EN-dimensions available I am considering to buy laterals with ASME dimensions like shown in figure below and butt-weld them to the...
A supply system demands 50 to 6000 l/min of emulsion. Head should be adjustable by setpoint between 3.5 and 7.0 bar. Considered are 2+1 (standby) VFD operated centrifugal pumps. Althoug 2+1 seems to be the most common set-up I was wondering how the most appropriate number of pumps could be...
A DN400 pipe splits into two DN300 pipes. Flow direction is from DN400 end towards the two DN300 ends (figure). Unfortunately due to space limitations the reduction was mounted before the tee at the DN400 end instead of after the tee. Maximum flow will be 972 m³/h at 8 bar of oil (viscosity ~20...
7 pumps are supplied by a common DN500 suction pipe (figure). Medium is a slurry of oil and small metal scarfs. What happens to the pumps if the size of the common suction pipe is reduced due to sediments in the pipe?
Dear community,
Usually we use carbon steel piping in our factory with screwed end connections for small pipes (smaller 3 inch/ DN80) and flanges for larger sized pipes (larger 3 inch/ DN80).
Since butt welded connections are best regarding leakproofness we are considering to use valves with...