Hi all,
1) As far as I concern, the most common fastener standards used in aerospace application are coming from either National Aerospace Standard (NAS), Army-Navy Aeronautical Standard (AN) or Mil-Spec (MS). Is it acceptable to use other fastener standard available out there such as DIN, ISO...
Hi all,
I have been presented by a set composite coupon testing (using ASTM standard) and need to validate that using numerically using FEA software (in my case, using MSC Nastran/Patran). What is the best parameter to compare with the coupon testing data and numerical FEA results?
Hi all,
I have been presented with the coupon test results from ASTM D3039 (Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials). The test have been performed on the few laminate lay up with fiber direction on the 0-degree and 90-degree.
How we are going extract...