dear all..
please advise the maximum pressure for hydrotest of piping spool which contains flange 150#
refer to ASME 16.5 for material carbon steel group 1.1 is about 19.2 bar (from table 2-1.1. SME 16.5)
can we go more than this limit pressure
We would like to do Fitness for Services for the pipeline, but the client want to have the remaining life of the pipeline with method " stastitical analysis of calculation of corrosion growth rates ". is there any reference regarding this method ?
i got requirement to provide the air compressor for wellhead control panel. This compressor will be used for pneumatic actuator for valving in Well Head Control Panel.
Are the any guidance for selection which type of air compressor suitable for this purpose, also also the common size for...
hi dear..
i need advise for materrial selection for h2s removal pressure vessel for gas
this pressure vessel will be used for h2s removal which the inlet gas contain sulfur 150 ppm
the pressure inlet is 15 psig, and the gas temeprature 125 deg.F
ijust thinking to use carnon steel with suitable...
i am designing sea water intake pipe, and will use duplex material,
The pipe diameter is 2000 mm, and will use pipe class 300#
is there any dimension standard for flange, rating 300# and bore size 2000 mm ?
please advise for flange material applicable for this service
dear all..
i am designing the Sea Water Intake pump which the 4 pumps will be operated parallel, and 1 pump will be as stand by pump
The pump data as follows :
Type : vertical turbine pump
Flow : 5000 m3/hr
Head : 20 meters
Electric Motor : 2500 KW, the motor provided with VSD (variable speed...
hi all..
i have access stair between tank which sit on the tank roof structure (see on the attachment)
The tank diameter is 38 meters, and self supported cone roof tank
tank height is 19.5 meters
Thanks for your advise
dear friend ..
we have the project which the 30 inch pipe penetrate to the wall of sea water intake basin.
The concrete wall thickness is 750 mm
we need to get the allowable maximum load on this point (pipe that penetrate to the wall)
is there any standard for our reference
if using puddle...
we are using overflow weir box on the water tank (designed follow API 650)
as seen on the attachment, the overflow pie diameter 1s 1200 mm
The boz size is 3m x 3m x 3m
can we evaluate the load on the tank shell that is connected with overflow box using nozzle pro..
peaase advise if other...
i would like to do sizing the Pressure relief valve (PRV)
is there any rules of thumb how much percentage of flow to PRV compared with the flow of main line ..
thanks in advance
we are doing pipe routing for the pipe connect to tank, the data as follows :
- the diameter of pipe connecting to the tank is 1500 mm
- tank diameter 38000 mm
we have performed the pipe stress and get Force and Moment on the tank nozzle
My questions is how to evaluate the force and...
i have the case, doing the pipe stress which the pipe connect to the pump nozzle.
The nozzle size is 600 mm, which is larger than table on API 610 for force / moment at the pump nozzle (maximum on the API 610 is 16")
i try to have the vendor data but still on progressing
Is there any typical...
i need the advise for sizing the priming system for the pump
What is the total estimated non-flooded suction volume that needs to be filled with water?
What is the maximum estimated elevation difference from the water source to the top of the pumps?
What is the estimated time required for the...
i am doing pipe stress analysis, and having expansion bellows on the piping.
How to input the axial stiffness, bending stiffness, torsional stiffness on the pipe stress analysis software.
on the vendor catalog, it doesn't have it
i do the pipe stress analysis for piping connecting to the api 650 tank.
refer to annex P on the API 650, The limiting piping loads are as follows: FR, MC & ML
FR max is the radial thrust applied at the mid-surface of the tank shell at the opening connection, in N (lbf);
MC Max is the...
i have a project which will using 4 pumps running parallel, the capacity for each pump is 500 m3/hr
the pump will supply the water to the header and then goes to pipeline.
my question is why my client request to use the pipe size of header , 1 size bigger than the pipeline, even tough as per...
i have project using HDPE pipe and the size abut 600 - 800 mm. and the pipe route is above ground and the straight length about 500 mm
i want to do the pipe stress analysis for the HDPE pipe. my questions is :
1. is there any software that has HDPE properties for doing pipe stress...
i need the piping class for carbon steel rubber lining
this specification is for pumping sea water to the smelter plant
appreciate if can share this piping specification class