Hello to all,
I writing here to get some sort of advice from you, perhaps you thought the same or have been in the same position. I trying to keep positive but sometimes is really hard, or is just a reality that i didn't knew about.
I want change my job. I'm a QC junior engineer in Europe...
Hello guys,
So i'm QC shipbuilding inspector (piping and machinery) in Europe, and i was thinking taking API 570 certification course, what do you think?
I don't understand if that is usefull in europe or not. Or do you think that is a certification equivalent in europe?
I have mechanical...
Hello people,
I am currently a quality control engineer in shipbuilding industrie, my job is to inspect piping and machinery systems and NDT tests. I'm licensed in mechanical engineering, and magnetic testing certified. I like the piping and machinery systems, because i have contact with i like...
Hello guys,
I hope to clearly explain myself on how i want to do this project, and i expect your comments because i want to learn and maybe something is missing me. I'm thinking about open a old gas bottle, properly clean it and connect the following: i had an old refrigerator, so i want to use...
Hello eng.,
Can anyone give me a reference, site, book, something about Cunifer pipes, the usual defects or common problems for this kind of pipes?
Thank you,
I'm a very recent technician as a quality control in shipbuilding industry taking focus in pipe systems.
So in order to do a better examination and learn more, i've been trying to find some standards or guidelines that tell me wich tolerance a misalignment in pipes unions, coupling...