Hi Everyone,
I am getting a problem with my 3200A ACB. It's tripping when it's in open condition. Can anyone tell me is there any reason when an ACB can trip when it's open?
Note: ACB outgoing was connected with Live Bus but ACB was open. When we supply voltage from generator then to ACB...
Can anyone tell me, what is the mane of this type of drawing and how can I create one like this? I just have Autocad Electrical 2015. Can I do it by Autocad Electrical?
Electrical Isolator | Busbar VS Cables | Engineering Root
I need some advice about installing a new Lightning Arrester. I received it today and before installing, what type of test I need to do? It also came with a test report but I want make sure that its ok. I just have a Hand Driven Megger. Is it possible to run this test by it or I need others...
Few days ago there was a job circular in my country that employer want a person from Civil Engineering Background to design a traffic map. So, traffic engineering is included in Civil Engineering? Please don't make me wrong, I want to know about it.
Electrical Engineering | Electrical...
Hello Engineers! Hope you guys are doing well but I am not. Let me explain.
Last couple of month we are having imbalance voltage problem. We got the main power connection from our national grid. Our line voltage is 33KV. We are using two step down transformer. First one is 33/11KV second one is...
Hi, I am new in this forum. But I understand that it's a great place and full of Engineers. Recently I am having some problem with my Siemens S7 200 CN PLC. After Setting the PGPC interface I always get the "Type Password" message. It's seems like without right password I cant upload the program...