In our ethylene plant( steam cracking plant). During operation, we faced foam formation in the caustic soda scrubber to remove acid gases from cracked gas .
What might me the reason for this?
Dear friends,
currently we are conducting a Gas turbine GE Frame 5 retrofiring by replacing an obsolete G.T Control system , Generator Control system , dysfunction Cooling System and upgrade the atomizing Air System plus overhauling and inspection the whole machine , the main objectives of...
Dear Group
In our plant we already use LPG for complex flare system to ethylene plant, polyethylene and polypropylene plant, since we have a shortage of LPG we decide to use in parallel N.G ( size 16") to feed flare-pilots by design new pipeline connected to all F. pilots data of the N.G are ...
I have some inquiry regarding the pressure gauge selected range & fittings , for natural gas line size (2 inch) to fit after reducing regulator valve ( downstream ) the pressure will reduce from 16 bar to 3.5 bar , pressure max = 18 bar , min pressure = 1.5 bar , max flow 43.5
Dear Expert,
I have some inquiry regarding the pressure gauge selected range & fittings , for natural gas line size (2 inch) , pressure max = 18 bar , min pressure = 1.5 bar , max flow 43.5
we are currently add a new natural gas pipeline size (2) inch to feed HP flare instead of LPG Supply before the flare-tip , I want to install Pressure reducing regulator to reduce pressure from 16 bar to 3.5 bar my question is :which type of reducing valve should use , seat orifice or outlet...
Dear Experts,
we are currently add a new natural gas pipeline size (2) inch to feed HP flare instead of LPG Supply before the flare-tip , I want to install Pressure reducing regulator to reduce pressure from 16 bar to 3.5 bar my question is :which type of reducing valve should use , seat...
Dear Experts,
What are the guidelines for selecting the type of control valve and it's actuator for a new natural gas pipeline line feeds the flare of polyethylene plant.
I have problem to analyze in petrochemical ethylene plant ,the problem with ethylene compressor RT-10 , when the operator turn main oil pump off MOLP or the pump goes off for any reasons the aux. ALOP pump delayed to takeover Feeding oil to the bearings in other words to pressurized the line to...
I have problem to analyze in ethylene plant , main compressor RT-10 , when the operator turn main oil pump off the aux. pump delayed to takeover to pressurized the line , although the pump in auto- mode , my question how that happened and how i can start to investigate.