I am developing the wind loads on A-frame residential structure, dimensions 23'x25'x20' (Length x Width x Height). The project is located in North Carolina and the reference standard for wind load is ASCE 7-10. Although there is no a specific mention of A-frame structures in the standard, it...
Construction Dewatering and Groundwater Control, Powers, et al., 3rd Ed. lists a summary of analytical models for flow within an aquifer (Table 6.1 attached). I am trying to determine what the factor is that is applied to the basic equation for U.S. units. For example, for the radial flow...
I am trying to create a Mathcad worksheet to calculate the active and passive pressure coefficients using the method described in Bowles, Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th Ed. Specifically, there are 4 equations (pp. 609-611) given for the "passive log-sandwich mechanism" (see attached)...
I am working with a contractor to design a dewatering system for an open excavation 44 feet x 40 feet x 30 feet deep which will be shored on 3 sides with H-piles and timber lagging. The contractor has proposed a line of eductor well points behind the shoring and I am tasked with designing the...
I am having a contractor backfill an over-excavated spread footing with flowable fill. The volume required is less than a yard (27 cubic feet) so I am providing the contractor with a mix proportion by volume for the material. Several articles give the mix design based on weight, but the mix...
I am tasked with designing the anchorage for a vertical turbine pump at a water treatment plant. The guidance document for dynamic machine loads is ACI 351.3R-18, "Report on Foundations for Dynamic Equipment", which describes the calculation procedure for unbalanced loads. I also have the...
Crane support structures are not specifically mentioned in the IBC Code (ASCE 7 by reference) for seismic design of building structures or non-building structures. The State of Illinois Engineering Code of Conduct lists the type of structures requiring an SE seal, which would appear to include...
I have set up a Mathcad Prime worksheet (PDF copy attached) which solves for the required depth of embedment, D, for the lateral earth pressure shown in Figure, AASHTO 2010 LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. The retained soil and embedment soil are both cohesive. The worksheet...
I am developing a MathCAD worksheet to provide a design check for temporary shoring using soldier piles and timber lagging. I have a copy of AASHTO 2010 and would like to develop the solution for the configuration shown in Figure, which is for a discrete vertical wall element...
I am trying to calculate the required depth of embedment, D for a rock-socketed HP pile for a non-gravity cantilevered wall according to 2010 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. Specifically, I am using timber lagging spanning 6-8 feet between HP piles set in concrete filled 2'-6"...
I am modeling a capstan (winch) equipment support that pulls three (3) rail cars with a wheel load of 22.5 kips each. Assuming the first two cars are in motion, rolling friction applies to the eight (8) wheels (4 per car) of the first two cars and static friction applies to the four (4) wheels...
I am currently developing an analysis model for a 5T top running single girder, pendant operated crane in an existing structure. The owner has decided to support the 3-bay free standing structure on drilled shafts to allow the structure to be located up against the wall. For developing loads...