How are people handling substitution request for deck fastening to open web joists? Is the contractor/third party engineer requesting the substitution responsible for checking strength, stiffness, base material thickness and does this need to be sealed or should the EOR include this re-design...
I thought this was an interesting article in Structure Magazine, Emerging Risks and Claim Trends in The Design Profession. Puts into perspective the amount of liability structural engineers take on and can make one question how that risk is quantified in our contracts.
This project has precast panels and a double tee roof. There is a field fit up issue and the CIP embed plate is the double tee flange can not be used. The precaster has proposed a new connection by welding a few #4 bars on a plate and cast this into the topping for the double tee. This is fine...
I am starting to see a lot of the large suppliers get some sort of ESR done to show their connectors are "code certified", IBC usually. However other suppliers, some quite large for example SCAFCO, are going this route in a very limited way but still have a large catalog of connectors with...