There are rhumors that it is possible to convert V5 solid features to V4 primitives when saving a CATPart as model.
If anyone has information on that, let me know.
Has anyone been successfull using the HPGL2 driver when using the 3DPLM printer?
For some reason in the printer parameters panel, I can't use the default submission values, and the scripts are not working properly, can someone help me with these declaration and execution scripts.
Does anyone know where I can find help on the CATNLs language syntaxe as I need to customize some of them.
Where is the documentation on the objects or classes handled in CATNls files.
Does anyone know how add the line thickness parameter in one of the "Equipment And System" GVS.
There's a default thickness of 2 that can only be overwritten by the DefaultGenerativeStyle file.
Is there a way to controle the line thickness base on a Equipment And System Discipline.
Has anyone found a functionality to do that??
Do not reply with the copy/cut and paste solution; that doesn't work if all the parts have different orientations about the origin.
Where can I tweak the initial drafting standards;
exemple, I want to add to the ISO standards a paper format that is not normaly part of it.(e.g. want to add a XX format YYmm x ZZmm).
as another exemple I want to start in ISO STDs but using the third angle projection.
The XML files dont give...
Does anyone have experience with the decoding of generated drafting geometry in VB.
Exemple: On a drawing document, let's say I need to retreive all circles that were generated by the projection of a 1" diameter counterbored hole
Two guys in montreal started this new service:
If you need methodologies, best practices or some work done fast on V4 or V5, contact them:
How do you create a joint for an entire gear system.
I can easily create a gear joint between to parts; but how do I connect multiple gear joints together to define a complete gear mecanism?