I want to analyze torsion of elliptical bar in Abaqus (sort of benchmark). Since this section is not predefined in Abaqus, I wonder how to obtain stress output from a beam analysis with *Beam general section. Both with section = general (defining section properties manually) and with...
I would like to ask how the Load Proportionality Factor (LPF) vs displacement plots obtained from post-buckling analyses using Riks method should be interpreted. From what I've read actual load = applied load * LPF. So when I apply a critical buckling load obtained from eigenvalue (linear)...
recently in Abaqus I've seen something that people interested in FEA will probably find very unusual. There are two YouTube videos where structural mechanics model is solved in Abaqus without any constraints. There are no BCs, inertia relief nor other methods restricting Rigid Body Modes in...