Hello guys, I need to conduct a work on field and the requirement for compaction of subbase and base is more than 100%. So we are gonna conduct compaction tests on field and we have two questions. First, what is best value to use of maximum dry density (MDD) and optimum moisture (OP), because we...
Hello guys,
I have this situation in my project: I need to design a pavement for an administrative building where will have 50 people working in there. About visitors or customers, it is not a building for receiving them, so actually, they will receive, perhaps, 3 or 4 occasionally. About...
Hi guys,
I am searching some equipment for taking density test on field and until now, I just found Replacement Sand Test, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer and Radio Isotopic Moisture-Density Test (Nuclear Gauge), but I would like to know if you know some other equipment. However, if there is no other...